Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome 2 My Blog

Hello all:

It has been quite some time since I've visited Blogspot, which is apparently now called "Blogger." When did that happen???? (or was it always called Blogger?? I DON'T REMEMBER!!!)

Nevertheless, part of me has very much missed writing and occasionally posting pictures on this site. In the time since I stopped posting on my original blog, "Let's Go Blogging!," in 2010, I entered the dark side-- Tumblr.  I don't mean that in a negative way though; Tumblr is a great site. Many funny, original posts, music discoveries, links to interesting videos, news updates, pointless jabber, etc., (among other things) can be found there.  However, I often find myself being sucked into the Tumblr Black Hole, which is when you start scrolling down your dashboard with the intention of giving yourself a homework break, but then glance at the clock and realize you've been doing absolutely nothing productive for 4+ hours (unless you want to count exercising your fingers, you know, from all that scrolling...).

I was considering reactivating "Let's Go Blogging!," just because it goes allllll the way back to 2008, but then I realized that it might be better to start again with a clean slate.  So naturally, I've decided to call this blog "Let's Go Blogging! 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (God, I am SO original!)  Also, many of those LGB! 1.0 posts are embarrassing because a majority of them were written when I was 14/15.  Ahhh, the strange, early years of adolescence!

So, here's my official introduction!!!

My name is Michelle and I am a freshly-turned 20 year old college student from NJ.  I am majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Professional Sales.  I (think I) am currently undergoing that douchey college phase most, if not all, students experience while attending post-secondary school.  I have no idea what I'd like to do upon graduating, and the future really freaks me out.  I'd like to travel, and my only goal as of right now is to pop the bubble that has become my reality (thanks, overprotective parents!).  I will most likely expand on this idea of the bubble in a later post.

Until I find a cool mirror to take a selfie in, here's a super awkward picture of me and Paul Rudd from a few months back:


I could ramble on and on, but then no one would bother to come back and read this blog.  Heck, maybe you've already decided you no longer wish to continue reading this blog!  What do I know?!

But I'd like to leave on a suspenseful note...

So, until the next post... ADIEU!

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